Student Leadership Portrait

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Develop Life-ready Leaders

The Student Leadership Portrait™ (SLP) outlines the specific skills and competencies student leaders are developing at Leader in Me Schools in order to succeed in the classroom and beyond. The model has four broad categories, with four competencies per category, all of which help students learn to lead themselves and others.





Personal Effectiveness



The ability to be aware of one’s actions and their impact, take proactive steps towards achieving goals, and manage emotions effectively.

  • Self-Awareness
    The ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions, strengths, areas for growth, values, and motivations, and how they impact one’s behavior and interactions with others.

  • Initiative
    The ability to take action and responsibility without being told to do so.

  • Emotion Regulation
    The ability to manage one’s emotions in a healthy way, so they do not interfere with one’s ability to think clearly and make rational decisions.


The ability to imagine a meaningful future outcome and create a plan to get there.

  • Values Clarification

    The ongoing process of reflecting on one’s experiences, beliefs and priorities, to understand what truly matters and to make decisions and take actions that are consistent with those values.

  • Planning Ahead

    The ability to anticipate future needs, set goals, develop strategies, and allocate resources to achieve desired outcomes.

  • Goal Setting

    The process of identifying desired outcomes, establishing specific targets, and developing a plan to achieve those targets.


The ability to plan and allocate one’s time based on goals and values, and show the discipline to follow through.

  • Time Management

    The ability to effectively plan, organize and allocate time to achieve personal and academic goals.

  • Discipline

    The ability to control oneself and follow through on commitments, even when faced with distractions or challenges.

  • Adaptability

    The ability to adjust to changing circumstances, learn new skills, and embrace new challenges.


The ability to evaluate information, reflect on one’s own thought processes, creatively solve complex problems, and lead one’s learning.

  • Critical Thinking

    The ability to analyze information objectively, identify biases, evaluate evidence and form well-supported conclusions.

  • Metacognition

    The ability to be aware of your own thinking processes, monitor your understanding and adjust your learning strategies accordingly.

  • Problem-Solving

    Problem-solving is the ability to identify problems, analyze their causes, develop and evaluate potential solutions, and implement the best solution.






Interpersonal Effectiveness



The ability to develop relationships through consistent interactions that build trust and that balance one’s personal needs with the needs of others.

  • Abundance Mindset

    The ability to believe that there is enough success and opportunity for everyone to achieve their goals, fostering a positive and supportive environment.

  • Courage & Consideration

    The ability to speak your truth directly and openly while being mindful of the other person’s feelings and perspective, balancing honesty and assertiveness with empathy and respect.

  • Trust

    The ability to manage one’s emotions in a healthy way, so they do not interfere with one’s ability to The ability to have confidence in another person’s character, competence, and intentions, believing that they will act in your best interest and be reliable, honest, and supportive.


The ability to reach mutual understanding with others, convey thoughts clearly, and effectively use body language to communicate.

  • Listening
    The ability to actively pay attention to and comprehend spoken words and nonverbal cues from others.

  • Verbal Expression
    The ability to clearly and effectively communicate thoughts, ideas, and feelings using spoken language.

  • Non-verbal Behaviors
    The ability to communicate effectively through body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, ensuring that nonverbal cues align with spoken words to enhance the overall message.


The ability to understand and respect other people’s thoughts and feelings with the intent to see their perspective.

  • Understanding
    The ability to perceive, interpret, and empathize with the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others, fostering mutual understanding and respect.

  • Humility
    The ability to recognize and acknowledge one’s own limitations and strengths while remaining curious, open-minded, and teachable.

  • Respect
    The ability to treat others with dignity, appreciation, and consideration, regardless of their background, beliefs, or values.


The ability to work together in a way that draws on everyone’s unique strengths and ideas in order to find the best solution.

  • Valuing Differences

    The ability to recognize and appreciate the unique values and perspectives of individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs.

  • Creative Cooperation

    The ability to leverage the diverse talents, perspectives, and ideas of individuals to generate innovative solutions and achieve common goals.

  • Resolving Conflicts

    The ability to address disagreements constructively by identifying common ground, understanding different perspectives, and working collaboratively to find mutually acceptable solutions.






Lead Self



The ability to identify one’s own talents and areas of passion and the determination to develop them.

  • Conscience
    The ability to sense when actions or contemplated actions are in alignment with deeply held values and principles.

  • Passion Cultivation
    The process of identifying and nurturing one’s passions and interests. It involves exploring different activities, discovering what brings joy and fulfillment, and developing the skills and knowledge to pursue those passions.

  • Talent Application
    The ability to identify, develop, and utilize one’s talents and strengths to achieve personal and professional goals. It involves self-assessment, skill development, and strategic application of abilities in various contexts.


The awareness and ability to connect one’s own unique talents and strengths to a need in the world and take principled action that creates positive change.

  • Global Awareness
    An understanding of the interconnectedness of our world and the ability to appreciate diverse perspectives, cultures, and issues. It involves knowledge of global events, cultural sensitivity, and an appreciation for the interdependence of nations and peoples.

  • Service-Minded
    The ability to identify and respond to the needs of others by applying one’s talents and strengths to make a positive impact and contribute meaningfully to the community.

  • Community Engagement
    The ability to engage with and positively impact one’s local community through active participation, fostering connections, and working together on community projects and initiatives.


The ability to set a focused goal, identify the steps to take, track progress, and accomplish the desired outcome.

  • Focus
    The ability to concentrate efforts on the most important goals by prioritizing actions, maintaining clarity, and consistently aligning activities with desired outcomes.

  • Accountability
    The ability to take ownership of responsibilities by regularly tracking progress, evaluating performance, and making adjustments to ensure the achievement of desired results.

  • Perseverance
    The ability to persist in the face of challenges, obstacles, and setbacks. It involves resilience, determination, and a belief in one’s ability to overcome difficulties.


The commitment to consistently grow one’s own capacity through intentional choices that promote balance and resilience.

  • Renewal
    The process of restoring and maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It involves engaging in activities that nourish the mind, body, and spirit.

  • Balance
    The ability to create and maintain equilibrium in life by regularly evaluating and adjusting priorities, setting boundaries, and effectively managing time.

  • Continuous Improvement
    The ability to consistently enhance performance and achieve excellence by learning from experiences, identifying areas for growth, and implementing necessary changes.





Lead Others



The ability to model both character and competence in a way that builds trust and inspires confidence.

  • Positive Intent
    The ability to believe that all people have good intentions, giving them the benefit of the doubt and seeking to understand their underlying motivations even when their actions or words suggest otherwise.

  • Integrity
    The skills, knowledge, abilities, and experiences that an individual possesses to perform effectively in a specific role or task.

  • Capability
    The skills, knowledge, abilities, and experiences that an individual possesses to perform effectively in a specific role or task.


The ability to organize people, resources, and systems to successfully execute a plan.

  • Organizing People
    The ability to effectively coordinate and arrange individuals into cohesive groups, ensuring that everyone understands their roles and collaborates efficiently to achieve the team’s goals.

  • Building Systems
    The ability to create and implement structured processes and frameworks that support the efficient functioning of the team and facilitate the successful execution of plans.

  • Executing Plans
    The ability to carry out strategies and actions effectively, ensuring that tasks are completed accurately and on time to achieve the desired outcomes.


The ability to work with others to develop and communicate a compelling vision and actionable plan.

  • Clarifying Vision
    The ability to clearly articulate and refine a compelling vision that aligns with the team’s goals and motivates others to work towards a common purpose.

  • Strategic Planning
    The ability to develop detailed and actionable plans that outline the steps needed to achieve the vision, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and goals are attainable.

  • Inspiring Action
    The ability to motivate and encourage others to take proactive steps towards achieving the shared vision by communicating passion, enthusiasm, and a clear sense of purpose.


The ability to encourage others to use their gifts and talents to contribute to the team’s purpose.

  • Affirming
    The ability to recognize and validate the strengths and contributions of others, fostering confidence and encouraging them to use their gifts and talents for the team’s purpose.

  • Delegating
    The ability to assign tasks and responsibilities to others based on their strengths and talents, empowering them to contribute meaningfully to the team’s purpose.

  • Supporting
    The ability to provide assistance, resources, and encouragement to others, helping them utilize their gifts and talents effectively to achieve the team’s purpose.

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