FranklinCovey Education | Research

Independent Studies & Proven Results

A Closer Look at the Research

Rigorous, Diverse, and Global: Our Research Foundation

Leader in Me’s credibility stems from a robust portfolio of over 100 independent studies conducted in more than 30 countries (the blue on the map above represents the regions with independent LiM research). Our research employs a diverse array of methodologies to ensure comprehensive insights:

  • 40% Qualitative: In-depth interviews, case studies, and observational research.
  • 24% Quantitative: Statistical analyses, surveys, and experimental designs.
  • 19% Mixed Methods: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches for holistic findings.
  • 10% Action Research: Collaborative studies focused on real-time improvements and implementations.
  • 96% of these studies have been conducted within the last decade.
Discover Our Global Network of Leader in Me Schools and Districts
LiM Venn Diagram

Measurable Results Across Leadership, Culture, and Academics

The research on Leader in Me demonstrates positive outcomes in three key areas: Leadership, Culture, and Academics. These interconnected domains form the foundation of Leader in Me, working together to drive whole-school growth. By strengthening leadership practices, fostering a positive and trusting school culture, and supporting academic achievement, Leader in Me creates a comprehensive framework for sustainable improvement.

Venn Diagram: Highlight Leadership

Building Exceptional Leaders at Every Level

Effective leadership drives school success by empowering all stakeholders to take initiative and collaborate effectively. Independent studies reveal that Leader in Me Schools experience enhanced collective efficacy, higher teacher retention, and more engaged, responsible students. This leadership-focused approach transforms principals into strategic guides, empowers teachers as facilitators of growth, and cultivates proactive, goal-oriented learners essential for a thriving educational environment.

Leadership Impacts: Data & Examples

Student Agency: Over 92% of surveyed teachers at LiM schools report improved student leadership abilities

Teacher Efficacy Gains

Schools with robust leadership models saw up to 92% of teachers making more intentional instructional choices.1

Principal Efficacy Gains: 95% of principals reported the Leader in Me had a significant or very significant impact on their leadership skills.

Student Agency


Over 95% of surveyed teachers at LiM Schools report improved student leadership abilities.2

Student Behavior Improvements: 42% fewer behavior incidents.

Student Behavior Improvements

Leader in Me Schools report 42% fewer behavior incidents.3

How Does Leader in Me Influence School Success and Academic Outcomes?

Creating High-Trust, Inclusive School Environments

A thriving school culture is created when trust, inclusivity, and shared purpose define the environment. Independent studies reveal that Leader in Me Schools see fewer behavioral incidents, higher student engagement, and teachers who feel safe and valued. This positive climate increases teacher retention and builds a sense of belonging essential for student well-being.

Culture Impacts: Data & Examples

Attendance & Behavior: Some schools reported a 45% increase in overall school ratings and a 90%+ reduction in discipline incidents over 5 years

Attendance & Behavior


Some schools reported a 45% increase in overall school attendance and a 90% reduction in discipline incidents over 5 years.4

Family & Community Engagement

83% of principals note improved parent satisfaction, enhancing the support network around each student.5

Safe & Welcoming


89% of teachers surveyed describe their LiM School as safe and welcoming, promoting trust and emotional security.6

What Does Research Say About Leader in Me as a Catalyst for Meaningful Change?
Venn Diagram: Highlight Academics

Driving Academic Achievement Through Leadership

Academic success isn’t just a product of teaching strategies—it’s deeply influenced by mindset, motivation, and supportive relationships. Research connects the Leader in Me Framework with improved test scores, literacy gains, and math proficiency. By integrating personal and interpersonal leadership habits into the academic fabric, LiM helps students develop the focus, resilience, and collaborative skills essential for long-term success.

Academic Impacts: Data & Examples

ELA & Math Gains: A large-scale study reports a 6.7% increase in ELA performance and significant math improvements compared to pre-LiM performance.

ELA & Math Gains

A large-scale study reports a 6.7% increase in ELA performance and significant math improvements compared to pre-LiM performance.7

Better GPAs in High School

A study of 9th graders found 91% of Leader in Me Students earned a GPA of C or better, compared to 75% at non-Leader in Me schools.4

Long-Term Impact

Secondary students in LiM Schools achieved 17% greater academic success compared to those in non-LiM schools, with LiM-based instructional strategies positively impacting students across various proficiency levels.8

For a Full List of Citations, Access the Leader in Me Research Guide

Evidence-Based Results That Matter:

Why Educators Trust Leader in Me

Educators, administrators, and stakeholders often ask the same question:



Leader in Me is grounded in rigorous, independent research conducted by scholars, universities, and think tanks worldwide. The studies highlighted here demonstrate the outcomes that matter most to schools—like improved ELA scores, reduced discipline referrals, and strengthened student engagement. Each study represents real-world results, providing a foundation of trust and confidence for those seeking meaningful and measurable change.

Bergin et al.

University of Missouri

Mixed-methods study comparing LiM and non-LiM schools on ELA, math, and behavior.

Key Finding

LiM Schools showed a significant increase in ELA proficiency and a notable reduction in discipline incidents.9
Read Executive Summary

Pascale, Ohlson, & Lee

University of North Florida

Longitudinal study in Florida schools assessing reading, math, science benchmarks, and attendance.

Key Finding

LiM Schools consistently outperformed district averages, with 9% higher reading achievement at level 3+ and improved attendance patterns.10
View Highlights

Dick, Burstein, & Bergeron,

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Quasi-experimental designs analyzing DIBELS and LEAP scores over multiple cohorts.

Key Finding

Sustained ELA and literacy gains over time, with up to a 30% increase in students meeting benchmarks.7
Read Phase 1 Evaluation

Shetty, Flosy, & Souza

International Context

Impact of LiM-based instructional strategies on secondary students of varying proficiency levels.

Key Finding

 Average-proficiency students significantly outperformed peers in traditional settings, demonstrating LiM’s broad applicability.8
Download Study Brief

Wilkens & Wilmore

Texas Analysis

Causal-comparative study of LiM and non-LiM schools to gauge ELA and math performance.

Key Finding

When schools reached “Lighthouse” status, ELA and math outcomes were significantly higher, highlighting the importance of high-fidelity implementation.11
See Lighthouse Findings

Looking For Additional Research on Leader in Me's Impact in Schools?

Meta-Analyses & Synthesis Reports

Case Studies & One-Pagers

While statistics and meta-analyses offer strong validation, real-world stories demonstrate how research-based frameworks translate into better school experiences. Our curated case studies and one-page summaries detail concrete improvements—from academic gains to behavioral transformations—across diverse school communities.
School Rises to Academic Excellence
  • 45% increase in statewide rating over five years
  • Achieved Blue Ribbon status in 2023
Florida School Rises to “A” Rating
  • Elementary rankings improved nearly 400%, middle grades by 700%
  • Over 90% reduction in disciplinary incidents since LiM adoption
District Sheds ‘Low-Performing’ Label
  • 311% growth in students on grade level
  • Boosted graduation rates by 10% over a two-year period
Curious About Real-World Examples of Leader in Me in Action?

Coaching: Empowering Educators, Elevating Outcomes

Experts in professional development have long understood the value of coaching. Research, like the classic work by Joyce and Showers, demonstrates its dramatic impact. Their work clearly shows that the addition of coaching to professional development models increases the transfer of new knowledge into actual classroom application well beyond modes of theory, modeling, and practice.

Gaining insight into how teachers acquire and apply knowledge and skills is crucial to understanding how and under what conditions they draw on research and evidence to enhance their practice.

The chart (on right), based on research by Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers15 illustrates the impact of different professional development methods on teachers’ learning and classroom application. It compares three training approaches: Only Theory, With Practice, and With Coaching, measuring their effectiveness across three areas:

  • Knowledge Mastery (yellow bar): Understanding of the concepts being taught.
  • Skill Acquisition (green bar): Ability to perform the skills effectively.
  • Classroom Application (blue bar): How well teachers apply the skills in real teaching situations.

The findings of this study are clear and compelling: coaching significantly enhances knowledge mastery, skill development and the effective application of new learning in the classroom.


How Does the Role of Coaching in Teacher Professional Development Impact Student Achievement?

MRA & Continuous Improvement Data

The Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) connects theory to practice by tracking leadership skills, culture shifts, and academic progress over time. Schools leverage MRA data to align actions with goals, celebrate wins, and refine strategies. The research underpinning MRA ensures it’s not just another survey—but a validated tool that drives authentic growth.

Key Points

  • MRA is annually administered, research-developed, and peer-reviewed.
  • Assesses leadership development, trust levels, student empowerment, academic improvement, and more.
  • Informs strategic planning and resource allocation.
How Can the Measurable Results Assessment Help Identify Gaps and Set Goals for Your School/District?


Resource Hub

To support your school’s growth and continuous improvement, we’ve created the Research-to-Practice Resource Hub, where you’ll find a curated collection of multimedia content designed to support your journey. Browse videos featuring expert insights, read in-depth articles unpacking key concepts and evidence, listen to thought-provoking podcasts, and access practical tools and resources, and bibliographies.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding or find actionable strategies, these resources will help you translate research into meaningful practice.

Click Below to Start Exploring Today.


Franklin Covey Education