A health scare in his late twenties and becoming a burnt-out workaholic in his former roles led Mike to reassess his priorities and simplify his life. A major contribution to this shift in direction was reading Stephen Covey’s, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People© in 1994. “Retiring” at age 35, and spending more time on what he truly cared about, family, friends, health, education and community, led him to his current role, focus and passion of coaching and consulting with educational leaders, educators and students.
Over the past 20 years Mike has utilized his life experiences and the powerful content from Franklin Covey to help people and organizations regain balance and to thrive and develop in the following areas:
• Personal and interpersonal effectiveness (7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
• Planning, aligning and executing strategy and goals. (4 Disciplines of Execution)
• Leadership training and development ( The Leader In Me; 4 Essential Roles of Leadership)
The ever increasing pressure and demands on educational leaders, educators and students has taken Mike across North America and overseas. Most recently, he helped open up the first Leader In Me school in Shenzen, China. His current endeavours are complimented by wide-ranging life experience. From his involvement in international development and exchange in places like Cuba, Thailand, and Japan; to his work as a high school teacher and coach; and his role as a Canadian businessman in Japan,
What has struck Mike over the years is the common challenges and pressure that people are facing all over the world. His mission is to bring the universal principles of the 7 Habits, other core FranklinCovey content and his own personal insights to helping people reach their full potential.
Born and raised in Richmond, British Columbia and the proud son of a fisherman and a farmer’s daughter, Tojiro and Michiko Suto, Mike now resides in Vancouver, B.C., Canada with his wife great wife, Rachel and son Sam.