Take advantage of exclusive web-based training, resources, networking, and ongoing support available to licensed Leader in Me Schools.
Leader in Me Online is only available through Annual Membership and serves as an ever-growing hub full of resources to support educators throughout the implementation process. Features include:
✓ Leader in Me Weekly | ✓ The First 8 Days |
✓ Student Leadership Guides (PDFs) | ✓ Lighthouse Team Resources |
✓ Illustrated Leadership Stories | ✓ Online Coaching Modules |
✓ 7 Habits of Happy Kids Videos | ✓ Lighthouse School Progress |
✓ Leadership Notebook Resources | ✓ Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) |
✓ 7 Habits Lesson Plans | ✓ 7 Habits of Successful Families Resources |
✓ 7 Habits Booster Modules | ✓ Family and Parent Night Resources |
✓ Staff Development Videos | ✓ Online Leader in Me Community |
✓ 4DX Reader’s Theater | ✓ E-Modules for Staff |
This weekly series supports Leader in Me Framework already in place in the classroom, and is only available at Leader in Me Online with Annual Membership. Leader in Me Weekly provides licensed schools with helpful videos, articles, and classroom resources to inspire and support Leader in Me educators and the kids they teach.
Join students in learning, teaching, and applying the leadership principles found in this K–6 Leadership Series. Each level contains 38 lessons, featuring:
NOTE: Contact your local FranklinCovey representative to order printed versions!
There’s never a dull moment in 7 Oaks! Whether you’re playing soccer with Jumper Rabbit or planting a garden with Lily Skunk, all the friends are always having fun and learning something new. These seven animated videos show how applying the 7 Habits helps kids make good choices and discover new ideas.
Leadership Notebooks provide a place for students to keep their individual mission statements, notes about the 7 Habits, and personal reflections and highlights. It also helps them track their academic data, set goals, and consistently track progress on those goals, giving them the ability to “course-correct” at any time.
Through Leader in Me Online, educators can access downloadable resources including WIG planners, Accountability Partner forms, leadership-classroom checklists, leadership-role lists, and more.
Short in-class lessons help students to both discover the 7 Habits, and understand the key concepts within them. The more students are engaged in the learning process, the more they internalize the leadership content and apply it in their own studies. This internalization enables students to think critically, apply the habits in day-to-day situations, and move to the application, evaluation, and synthesis levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
The 7 Habits lesson plan resources can help establish class mission statements, class leadership roles, and regular class discussions on leadership topics.
This story follows the Happy Kids as they participate in a 24-hour overnight race as part of Summer Camp. The two teams must use the 4 Disciplines of Execution® (4DX) to navigate and overcome the obstacles ahead of them, and their journey is detailed by an illustrated story for each of the 4 Disciplines. Each story is formatted as a reader’s theater, with 12 separate characters for students to read out loud.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® training allows staff to deepen their understanding of training they’ve received. Leader in Me Online offers Web-based structured outlines and videos that provide great opportunities for discussion about key principles of the 7 Habits without having to leave school grounds or schedule a visit from a FranklinCovey presenter. With an Accountability Partner, staff can pair up to help each other continue to improve and apply timeless principles of effectiveness at work and at home.
Schools have access to an extensive selection of FranklinCovey’s award-winning leadership-development videos for use in staff meetings, classrooms, or for personal study. The videos highlight key Leader in Me principles designed to help staff continually improve.
Take part in an interactive community full of lesson plans, bulletin-board photos, videos, activities, literature connections, Leadership Event ideas, and other resources created by educators in Leader in Me Schools all over the world.
Staff can access training resources to teach The 7 Habits of Successful Families workshop to parents or guardians.
Parent Night resources help staff members present and distribute information for parents and community members wanting to learn more about Leader in Me.
Leader in Me implementation outlines simple paradigms, behaviors, and a path for staff to collectively achieve measurable results. In coordination with a Coach, administration and the Lighthouse Team can work together with help from supporting resources available through Leader in Me Online to address challenges and make improvements.
Lighthouse Rubrics, agenda outlines, action-planning templates, and guides for Leadership Days to support team members.
Coaching-module resources that address common challenges of Lighthouse Team members, administrators, and staff.
Access to a central dashboard with data regarding the school’s progress toward achieving the Leader in Me Lighthouse Milestone.
Each spring, schools are encouraged to invite staff, students, and parents to take the MRA as a way to measure the effectiveness of Leader in Me implementation and identify ways to improve in the coming year. The direct alignment between MRA measures and the Leader in Me Framework creates a data-informed, action-oriented improvement cycle dedicated to ensuring positive, transformative results.