High School Speech Contest: Looking for 80 Student Created Videos
Author: Leader in Me
May 24, 2019

A high school speech contest is happening right now, in case you didn’t hear— and this contest is different from our International Student Speech Contest! This particular contest is a unique one. We are looking for 80 student-created videos that will be used in our digital high school courses! So, if you are looking to add something to your acting reel or buff up your college application this is a great opportunity to add an extra dimension.
After you figure out the purpose of your speech, then you can choose your topic.
High School Speech Contest: What is it?
This is another Leader in Me contest that is exclusive to Leader in Me students— let’s get that out of the way first. We are looking for one winner per video topic listed. Participants must be students between the ages of 13-19. And the best news? Students can win in multiple categories (as long as each video submitted is on a different lesson topic). The deadline is May 30, 2019. Winners will be announced on June 15, 2019.
Pick Your Topics Here
High School Speech Contest: Specifications To Keep In Mind
- Before submitting videos, the following specifications should be kept in mind.
- Videos should be between two (2) and five (5) minutes in length.
- Videos must not include third-party intellectual property or copyright-protected content. I.E. Logos on shirts or branded products or music in the video or background.
- Make sure your speech is persuading, entertaining, or informing.
- More than one student may appear in a video. All participants need to submit their own consent forms though! Team consent forms will not be accepted.
- Avoid sensitive topics that could be perceived as disrespectful, threatening, exclusive, or offensive toward any person, group, or organization (e.g. political topics, religious themes, etc.
- Seek permission and/or credit the source of any third-party content referenced during the video, including music.
- Video file submissions must be in standard video formats, such as: .mov, .mp4, .flv, .wmv. Submissions will also be accepted via a Youtube link (but you must give permission first!).
- Winners will be announced on June 15th, 2019.
Download Parental Consent Form